Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:Niagara  (details...)
Occupation: Miner
Place of Death: Niagara
Date of Death: 16 March 1897
Date of Burial:17 March 1897
Age:36 years
Cause of Death:Typhyoid Fever
OGM Ref#: 0777


The informant of the death was Mabel Warren, nurse, of Niagara. Dagenhardt, had been working with James Allen on leases at Mt Catherine when both men were brought into town a week before their deaths - Dagenhardt to the private hospital and Allen to the Government Hospital. They died within a few hours of one another. Allen, a widower, left five parentless children, while Dagenhardt left a wife and seven children in Victoria.
Children:Seven children
Death Certificate:726/1897