Known as Tony.
His death was certified in writing by A Epis, brother-in-law, Boulder.
Epis, who was working in a winze between the No. 4 and 5 levels in the Sand Queen mine at Comet Vale on Saturday, was buried beneath a quantity of sand and suffocated. He was engaged shovelling sand to three other men about 10 ft. below and was last seen at about 8.30 am. No one witnessed the fall of sand and nothing was known of this happening until about 10 am when the moving sand carried the unfortunate man's body down to where the others were working. The body was taken to the surface, where efforts were made to restore animation but without success. A doctor was summoned, but was not able to reach the mine until four or five hours later. Epis' wife and family were residing in Italy at the time of his death.