The fatal accident which killed Mr Gaudini was due to his getting into an ore chute for a shovel without first obtaining an answer from the man working above. Rocks rolled down the chute while Gaudini was there and killed him. The unfortunate man was working at No. 7 chute in the No. 9 level south by himself and was either struck by a piece of falling stone or fell very heavily down the chute. The first intimation of the accident was given by the presence of blood in the water, which was noticed by men working lower down. An investigation was then made, with the result that the body of Gardini was found, the skull being crushed in a horrible manner. Gaudini was quite dead when found. The body was conveyed to the morgue and a Coroner's Inquest was held on 9 January 1906 before J. Leipold, J.P., Acting Coroner. The verdict of the jury was: "Accidentally killed in the Cosmopolitan Mine, Kookynie."