Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:Menzies Old Cemetery - 2 Miles West  (details...)
Occupation: Prospector
Place of Death: Menzies
Date of Death: 31 December 1895
Date of Burial:31 December 1895
Age:21 years
Cause of Death:Enteric Fever
OGM Ref#: 0730


The deceased was buried by Charles Geddes, the Menzies' undertaker. Witnesses present at the burial were Maurice Nolan. S Stone and SH Aitken/Atkin. The informant of his death was W Nolan. carpenter, Menzies. This was in the very early stages of Menzies, a time of sparce habitation, where everyone struggled for survival.

Marriage Details:married
Birth Details:circa 1874
Death Certificate:445/1896